Have you ever wished that you could unlock your front door with a retina scanner? Or turn on the fireplace and dim the lights with remote control, just like they do in movies? In case you did not already know that but these things are now possible thanks to technological advancements. What also comes with such fancy home automation is the cost – not only of the devices themselves but the installation as well.
But how are people turning their homes into smart homes so easily? That is because you don’t need the fancy technology that costs as much as an average person’s monthly rent; smart home devices have made it easier for us to convert our regular homes into smart ones, given that they are affordable and quite easily available now in markets around you.
You don’t have to have any major reconstructions or build a smart home from scratch. Smart home devices fit into your already existing structure and home, with some devices that are pretty easy to install by yourselves as well.
How to Make Your Home Smart
It starts with one smart device at a time, and you can slowly add more to your home to eventually be able to call your house a smart home. Just like those sensor lights that you would usually find around commercial building hallways, or even at the mall, these are referred to as Smart Lights in the domestic market. Similarly, unlocking doors with passcodes or with remote control is also now possible for the domestic user.
Install a Smart Thermostat
If you want to begin with anything we suggest you get a smart thermostat for your home. Smart thermostats connect to the home Wi-Fi network and come with their own mobile apps. So you know what that means: you can control the device straight from your mobile phone! They are also smart thermostat Alexa compatible, or even with the Google Assistant for that matter; not only do you get remote control access to your device but also through voice control. How’s that for a Smart Home?
That’s not all though. Smart thermostats don’t just feature aspects of smart technology, but they’re also very energy efficient. So you would eventually see a decrease in your heating and cooling bills over a couple of months after installation.
Use Smart Bulbs
Smart bulbs won’t just give you all the cool features of being able to control your lights wirelessly through smartphones and through voice-enabled control, but they also allow you to cut back on energy wastage just like smart thermostats.
Smart lights and bulbs can be scheduled to operate according to your personal settings, and even so, you can turn the lights on or off through your smartphones as is – from anywhere for that matter. Certain smart bulbs like the Sengled Smart Wi-Fi LED bulbs, for instance, can let you switch from warm to white tones, dim the lights, and even change them to over 16 million colors.
Invest in a Smart Speaker
Smart speakers are not only limited to playing music from millions of options on YouTube or your Spotify playlists. They come built-in with Voice Assistants that allow for voice enabled control over the device itself and other smart devices synced to it. It is like having a virtual assistant in your home basically.
With smart speakers you can set schedules for other smart devices just with a simple voice command, you can set reminders for yourself, carry basic internet searches, check for the weather forecast or the traffic situation on your daily route. If you sync your smartphones you can even dictate texts, answer calls as you move about the place, and have your emails read out to you. It’s like having hands-free help if you will.
Choose From a Whole Catalogue of Smart Home Devices
You don’t necessarily have to begin with the above-mentioned smart devices to be able to call your home a Smart Home. There are a plethora of smart home devices out there, commonly available and easily affordable with the exception of some categories. You can find anything from smart cameras, smart door locks, and video doorbells, to kitchen appliances like smart ovens, smart coffee makers, and even smart refrigerators. There are also smart smoke detectors that work a hundred times better and faster than regular ones, and even smart routers like the Google Nest Wi-Fi that cover a larger area, coupled with all the smart technology and benefits it brings with it.
Is It All Really That Easy?
Getting a smart device and installing it in your home is as easy as it sounds, sure. But is it all really that easy? Here is what you should keep in mind before turning to the smart home life. Certain smart home devices are expensive so you may have to see what really is the most important aspect of your home, which can be converted into something smart and automated if you really must take the smart home route.
Other than that is the internet connectivity. You can get one of the smart routers for greater coverage in every corner of your home but what is the use of your data package if it has a limit? This way you may be looking to upgrade your internet package, which also means a pricier internet package to subscribe to.
Want to have a look at some smart home device before you head out and make a purchase? Check out FirstEnergy Home’s website www.firstenergyhome.com for a whole catalog of all things smart home!